Monday, 9 July 2012

English Grammar-Why should we learn English? Classification of helping verbs

English Grammar-Why should we learn English?, English importance,Actually all people are feel English is a difficult Language, its wrong English is very easy language. Actually in our state we follows 3 languages,Why Students fell English is a difficult subject?,Forms of Verbs,Helping Verbs, Classification of helping verbs,
Introduction of English Language:
What is Language?
In world total above 3,600 Languages are there. In these Languages so many people’s are follows English.
Language: Simple known as formation of sentences.
Letters form into Sounds, Syllables form into Words, and Words form into Sentences and Sentences form into Language.
Why should we learn English?
In world so many languages are there, but all languages English is most popular one. So that’s why English language simple knows as master borrower.
English importance:
The following points are some of the Examples for the English Language importance.
  • 250 Million Peoples Mother tongue is English.
  • 350 Million Peoples speak in English.
  • 10% Peoples known as English.
  • 50% News papers are in English.
  • 60% News channels are providing news in English Language only.
  • 70% Letters are in English it means World’s mail in English.
  • English is a one of the U.N.O Language.
  • English is a window on the world.
Actually all people are feel English is a difficult Language, its wrong English is very easy language. Actually in our state we follows 3 languages, those three are as follows bellow
1. English
2. Telugu
3. Hindi
Out of these 3 languages English is a easiest one and Telugu is a most difficult one.In English total 26 letters are there. In this 26 letters Z,Q are not used regularly so only nearly 23 letters are  available in English language. English is very flexible language.
Why Students fell English is a difficult subject?
Who are not learning verb forms those students says English is a difficult subject, so learn verb forms first.
Verb Forms:
Verb Forms basically 3 types.
  • Present Tense
  • Past Tense
  • Past Participle Tense
    • In Present Tense again two types
    • Sentence have a s, are, es
    • Sentence not have s, are, es
Forms of Verbs

Present tense                     past tense                          Past Participle Tense

Do, does                                  did                                         done

Eat, eats                                    ate                                         eaten

Like this we can arrange several verb forms, so you can try for more verb forms.
Helping Verbs:
Sometimes verb cannot fulfill complete work that time we need a helping verb to complete the work.
When main verb is not in place to do the work at that time also we need a helping verbs.
Helping verbs are mainly classified into 20 types and more.
Classification of helping verbs:
Helping verbs are mainly classified into four types, they are as follows below
  • Be-form helping verbs
  • Auxiliary helping verbs [A.V]
  • Anomalous finite helping verbs [A.F.V]
  • Base verbs
1.Be-forms are 5 types: i)Is, ii)am, iii)are, iv)was, v)were.
In this five is, am, used in Present tense, was, were in   past tense.
  1. A.V. is 3 types: i) has ii)have iii)had
In this three has, have used in Present tense, had used in past tense.
  1. A.F.V is 9 types:
Shall/should,   will/would,   can/could,     may/might and must.
So these 3 types are simple known as Visible helping verbs. It means these Helping verbs are available in a sentence to seen.
  1. Base verbs: 3 types i) do ii)does iii)did
In this three Do, Does have used in Present tense, and did in past tense.
So this fourth type helping verb is simple known as Invisible helping it is a base of the verb.
Eat = do + eat
Eats = does + eat
Ate= did + eat.
This is about Introduction and verb formation and helping verbs in English Grammar.



At 23 October 2011 at 19:01 , Anonymous Venkateswarlu said...

thank you friend


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